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PRECISE - Accelating progress towards the new era of "Precision Medicine"

January 30th, 2017


The Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences (iBB), through the Stem Cell Engineering Research Group (SCERG), participates in the project “PRECISE – Accelerating progress toward the new era of Precision Medicine”, recently approved, with a budget of 2.5 millions of Euros from “Programa Operacional Regional de Lisboa” and “Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia”. This project started in December 2016 for three years.

PRECISE aims to accelerate progress of Portuguese health care toward the new era of precision medicine. It involves 3 institutions focusing on Medicine (iMM), Bioprocess and Stem Cell Engineering (iBB), and Information Systems (INESC-ID).Specifically, it will further develop knowledge, instruments and processes to accelerate innovation in technologies for health. It will deliver the prototype of a virtual research platform for Precision Medicine; better clinical decision-making for common immune-mediated diseases; improved diagnosis and treatment of rare immune-mediated diseases; new tools to genotype cancer; more accurate evaluation of molecular pathways altered in cancer; proof-of-principle for novel predictive tools for cancer; improvement in predictive prevention and personalized interventional stroke therapy; better understanding of mitochondrial diseases; improvement in predictive disease modelling; novel processes and best-practices for cell-based innovative medicinal products; improved education on state-of-the-art concepts in precision medicine; and new business ideas for products and services in the field of health and health care.